Kickstarter’s Community Wants Your Next Crowdfunding Campaign to Be Successful

Carol Benovic-BradleyKickstarter is the world’s largest crowdfunding platform, with $2.3 billion dollars pledged to more than 112,000 successful projects. The company has a firm grasp of the best practices that can improve a campaign’s chances of success.

In part, this knowledge comes from their large community of creators, who continue to refine and identify new “best” ways of using the service. Carol Benovic-Bradley, of Kickstarter’s learning and engagement team, within the larger community team, works to surface these insights and connect creators with one another, raising the bar for the platform as a whole. We discuss those efforts, plus:

  • The size and scope of Kickstarter’s community team
  • Why data can be noisy and distract from the big picture
  • How you can make room for diverse voices in your community

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Big Quotes

“Our long-term metric is ‘Okay, if a creator has read the Creator Handbook, what are their chances at running a successful project?’ Because that’s why we’re here. That’s what we want to help people do. We want to help them bring their creative vision to life. That’s the whole point of [our community] resources.” -@CarAnnBen

“[We want to serve] the right information and right tools to people at the right moment, because someone can be an expert in running a project or an expert in using Kickstarter, but we still have to be there for them.” -@CarAnnBen

“I think that it can be pretty easy to write a tweet that’s going to get some likes and maybe some retweets. … Those things are not meaningful interactions, and it doesn’t even feel like real data; it feels very aesthetic. I just always want to challenge myself and the people around me to dig deeper than that. We’re not trying to drive clicks, or retweets, or whatever, we’re trying to have conversations and help people be successful and help people be creative. That’s not something you can measure with things like that.” -@CarAnnBen

About Carol Benovic-Bradley

Carol Benovic-Bradley is the senior content manager at Kickstarter. She makes resources to help creators run great projects, is part of the voice behind @KickstarterTips and helps with community initiatives, like Campus. When she’s not doing that, she’s drinking coffee, watching wrestling and helping support and community professionals with the rest of the @WeSupport crew.

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